Back to school. Back to the car pool nightmare. Early to bed, early to rise.
Tired kids, after school practices, homework……
Busy moms still need to connect to their core. They need to bend there spine and turn on there belly. They need to stay strong in order to keep up with this schedule. They need to be injury free, to do all that we love, and do this school year.
So how about a little mat pilates, right in your home? How about a private lesson? You and me via Skype or FaceTime. Maybe you have 30 min in the early morning or afternoon. Maybe you have a brief hour, where we can really go deep. Maybe it’s off time and you just can’t come to one of my studios. This is such a great solution to a moms busy schedule.
Then you can take what you learned with you. Take it in your body to the store, in the car to after school practice.
You will stand taller. Your belly will feel stronger and you will have a much better chance to remain injury free, doing all the things you love.
Message me or email me at for more details. You may also call me at 303-243-0570. Yay back-to-school specials!