So much to say on this word.  It brings in feelings of clean, white, perfect, right.  All that should be.  It makes me think of perfect weight, perfect body, perfect family.  It makes me smile.  Ah perfectionism….how I’ve struggled with this.  The contrast to this word comes crashing down in my thoughts.  Its an illusion – a dream stealer.  A crazy maker.  It takes your creativity.  It crushes families.  It is the eating disorder maker.
Perfectionism takes God out of the relationship.  It steals time ~ robs joy.  It’s a lie.  Perfectionism removes our need of God.  It makes any type of criticism unnecessary, well…because the more perfect we are, the less need we have to be critiqued.
I can’t say enough about the facade a perfectionist lives in.  The complete illusion to reality.  It seems that society rewards such odd behavior, and almost drives it.  The illusion of perfect bodies, perfect lives, perfect houses, perfect children.  It’s just that ~ an illusion.  To drive us to strive to obtain it all.  At any cost.
So how do we let perfectionism go?  How do we recover from a life of perfectionism?  One breath at time.  One step of acceptance of ourselves at a time.  At our own pace.  When we are ready to let go of the illusion.  When we are ready to love our true selves.  Imperfect us.  Today, as we are, with all our flaws and mistakes, with 40 extra pounds, or being under weight and sick.  Healthy and in shape, or maybe struggling and broken.  Nonetheless embracing where you are right now with love.  It begins the healing process.  Surrounding yourself with those who love you as you are, those who lift you up.
If you would like help overcoming the compulsion to obtain perfectionism in your life, give me a call at 303-253-0570 or write me an email at